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Term and Condition


  • America-China United Volunteer Association (ACUVA) doesn't offer any medical advice

  • ACUVA offers services in but not limit to the following areas

    1. Assist patients in obtaining specialized doctors and cancer centers' second opinion

    2. Assist patients in applying for clinical trials or treatment in the U.S.

    3. Assist with US visa application and traveling/housing arrangements on the U.S.

    4. Assist patients in admitting to a palliative and hospice care program

    5. Mental and emotional support, one-on-one counselling

  • ACUVA will use your personal and medical information to connect you with US hospitals and clinic trial administrators.

  • ACUVA's service is free of charge

  • ACUVA provides limited financial assistance for low income families

Waiver and Release 

Patient and its representatives do hereby completely waive, release and forever discharge America-China United Volunteer Association and any affiliate from any and all present and future actions, causes of action, suits, judgments, demands, obligations, liabilities, losses or claims for damages of every kind and character (including, without limitation, for personal injury, death, property damage or otherwise), whether known or unknown, matured or unmatured, which Patient or Patient’s representatives may have now or in the future arising from any act or omission or condition arising from any of the services from America-China United Volunteer Association, whether in law or equity, in contract or tort, or any federal, state or local law, against America-China United Volunteer Association by reason of any matter whatsoever arising out of this Term and Condition.


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